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Parent Support

in Raising Grateful,

Confident, Resilient Kids

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Welcome to The True Sunbeam Family!

My team and I are glad you're here! 

First, your download is available as promised. Just click on the picture to the right (if you're on your computer) or below (if you're on a cell phone or other mobile device). 

On the page that opens, you'll see an arrow in the top right-hand corner, next to a printer icon. Click on the arrow to save the file to your computer, or click on the printer to print the pages right away. 

You'll need the Adobe Acrobat free Reader to view the file. If you don't have it, you can download it here.

Second, watch your email for additional tips and insights to help you and your family build belonging, self-confidence, and have more fun... together. Make sure to whitelist "" to ensure you never miss an email!

And until next time...

Shine On!


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